Libraries appeared early in history as archives of records and writing. One of the most famous of these ancient libraries is the Great Library of Alexandria. It was founded and built by Ptolemy I and his son, Ptolemy II. The Great Library was likely the largest library of it's time. However, under Roman rule it fell into neglect and eventually was destroyed. The Great Library’s decline and destruction did not happen in one destructive act. It occurred in stages until the great storehouse of knowledge was, in the end, lost.
Author, Rachel Caine, uses the present-day existence of the Great Library as her foundation of an alter-history premise. Instead of the Great Library being lost, it has survived and is thriving. The Great Library has taken control of all permitted transmission of knowledge in the world.
Caine says that the Great Library is a series “about the nature of information, ownership, and guardianship of heritage. It’s a book about books and e-books, the Internet and print, rigid beliefs and violent revolution.”
A contemporary, action packed plot that introduces the idea that things are not necessarily as they seem to be. It reviews the great contrast between a love for libraries and books set against the terrible power of people who control access to knowledge can access.
I can’t wait to get started!
