In another life, I swear I must have been a Walmart greeter (or at least in my dreams I feel I was). I love saying, “Hello,” “Hey,” “Good morning,” “Have a good day,” and so on. I love it even more when the students that come into the Learning Commons at my school reciprocate with a greeting or salutation to me.
Here is how one greeting went.
Me: “Good morning, how’s it going?”
Student: “It’s okay.”
Me: “Good to hear.”
Student: “Thanks for saying ‘hello’ and acknowledging me.
Me: “No problem at all. I’m glad you’re here.”
Student : “But I mean it, thanks for acknowledging me. It makes me feel like I am seen.”
Dear student,
You are seen. Even if I am at my computer station with line-up of students waiting to sign out a book. I will do my best to catch your eye and let you know I see you. Keep in mind that I also see you sneaking a slush-drink into the Learning Commons.
You are heard, which means I will listen to you. I will ask about your classes and listen to your response. I may ask why you’re not in class and take great delight in the creative excuse you tell me. I will do my best to hear you. Sometimes, in all honesty, I may have no idea what you are talking about. But, I will listen to you (and afterwards likely get my co-worker to explain it to me).
I will acknowledge you. You are important. You matter. Sometimes we all need to be reminded of that.
The Unshelved Librarian
